It’s getting to crunch time with DRX launching in October this year. I’m not going to lie to you, the feeling of launching your own project is exciting but daunting at the same time. I’ve met a lot of amazing people during my time in crypto, and others I probably would avoid in real life. I’ve seen this space can be quite relentless, ordinary investors can be quite relentless, most project owners just want to make a quick buck and dip. So, I need to come prepared.
In my real-world profession, I am an educator and coach so I would like to say I’m good at inspiring others and supporting them to make a positive change in their life or in those around them. I am an author and business owner who understands the importance of creating things with real substance that add value to people’s lives.
Look this article is not supposed to be long as I don’t want to bore you and ramble on, but I want to ensure you that I will be taking this project extremely seriously as I know it will be worth it in the long run. The Dripsta-X ecosystem aim is to change the landscape of the DeFi space by creating protocols that are built to stand the test of time.
At the beginning of March, I will be launching my first AMA where I will be speaking about the project in detail and answering any questions the community may have. This is a community driven project, so have your say!